
Architecture in Helsinki - Discografia

11:31 Publicado por excremento-quieres

Architecture in Helsinki - Places Like This (2007)

1. Red Turned White
2. Heart It Races
3. Hold Music
4. Feather In A Baseball Cap
5. Underwater
6. Like It Or Not
7. Debbie
8. Lazy (Lazy)
9. Nothing's Wrong
10. Same Old Innocence

Architecture in Helsinki - In Case We Die (2005)
1 "Neverevereverdid" – 4:49
2 "It'5!" – 2:07
3 "Tiny Paintings" – 3:03
4 "Wishbone" – 2:26
5 "Maybe You Can Owe Me" – 4:03
6 "Do the Whirlwind" – 4:39
7 "In Case We Die (Parts 1-4)" – 3:33
8 "The Cemetery" – 2:02
9 "Frenchy, I'm Faking" – 2:52
10 "Need to Shout" – 4:10
11 "Rendezvous: Potrero Hill" – 1:52
12 "What's in Store?" – 4:29

Architecture in Helsinki - Fingers crossed (2006)
1. "One Heavy February" – 0:59
2. "Souvenirs" – 2:26
3. "Imaginary Ordina
ry" – 2:17
4. "Scissor Paper Rock" – 2:30
5. "To and Fro" – 2:33
6. "Spring 2008" – 2:52
7. "The Owls Go
" – 3:35
8. "Fumble" – 3:07
9. "Kindling" – 1:49
10. "It's Almost a Trap" – 2:22
11. "Like a Call" – 3:06
12. "Where You've Been Hiding" – 2:41
13. "City Calm Dow
n" – 2:50
14. "Vanishing" – 4:13

Melodramatic Popular Song / Ghettotech / Jungle

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