
Radiohead - Discografia

20:33 Publicado por excremento-quieres
Radiohead -Live at Lollapalooza 2008desacargar

Radiohead - The Best Of "CD2" (2008)descargar

Radiohead - The Best Of "CD1" (2008)descargar
Radiohead - B-Sides (2008)Parte1 | Parte2
Radiohead - In Rainbows (2008)descargar

Radiohead - Hail To The Thief (2003)descargar

Radiohead - Amnesiac (2001)descargar

Radiohead - Kid A (2000)descargar

Radiohead - Ok Computer (1997)descargar

Radiohead - The Bends (1995)

Radiohead - Pablo Honey (1996)

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2 Response to "Radiohead - Discografia"

  1. excremento-quieres Said,

    Pablo Honey, 1993

    1. You
    2. Creep
    3. How Do You?
    4. Stop Whispering
    5. Thinking About You
    6. Anyone Can Play Guitar
    7. Ripcord
    8. Vegetable
    9. Prove Yourself
    10. I Can't
    11. Lurgee
    12. Blow Out

    The Bends, 1995

    1. Planet Telex
    2. The Bends
    3. High and Dry
    4. Fake Plastic Trees
    5. Bones
    6. (Nice Dream)
    7. Just
    8. My Iron Lung
    9. Bullet Proof..I Wish I Was
    10. Black Star
    11. Sulk
    12. Street Spirit (Fade Out)

    OK Computer, 1997

    1. Airbag
    2. Paranoid Android
    3. Subterranean Homesick Alien
    4. Exit Music (For a Film)
    5. Let Down
    6. Karma Police
    7. Fitter Happier
    8. Electioneering
    9. Climbing Up the Walls
    10. No Surprises
    11. Lucky
    12. The Tourist

    Kid A, 2000

    1. Everything in Its Right Place
    2. Kid A
    3. The National Anthem
    4. How to Disappear Completely
    5. Treefingers
    6. Optimistic
    7. In Limbo
    8. Idioteque
    9. Morning Bell
    10. Motion Picture Soundtrack

    Amnesiac, 2001

    1. Packt Like Sardines in a Crushd Tin Box
    2. Pyramid Song
    3. Pulk/Pull Revolving Doors
    4. You and Whose Army?
    5. I Might Be Wrong
    6. Knives Out
    7. Morning Bell/Amnesiac
    8. Dollars & Cents
    9. Hunting Bears
    10. Like Spinning Plates
    11. Life in a Glasshouse

    In Rainbows, 2008

    01. 15 Step
    02. Bodysnatchers
    03. Nude
    04. Weird Fishes/Arpeggi
    05. All I Need
    06. Faust Arp
    07. Reckoner
    08. House Of Cards
    09. Jigsaw Falling Into Place
    10. Videotape

    Radiohead - B-Sides

    CD 01

    01. Stupid Car
    02. Inside My Head
    03. Million Dollar Question
    04. Faithless, The Wonder Boy
    05. Coke Babies
    06. Pop Is Dead
    07. Yes I Am
    08. The Trickster
    09. Punchdrunk Lovesick Singalong
    10. Lozenge Of Love
    11. Lewis (Mistreated)
    12. Permanent Daylight
    13. You Never Wash Up After Yourself
    14. Maquiladora
    15. Killer Cars
    16. India Rubber
    17. How Can You Be Sure?
    18. Talk Show Host
    19. Banana Co.
    20. Molasses
    21. Bishop's Robes

    CD 02

    01. Polyethylene (Parts 1 & 2)
    02. Pearly*
    03. A Reminder
    04. Melatonin
    05. Meeting In The Aisle
    06. Lull
    07. Palo Alto
    08. How I Made My Millions
    09. The Amazing Sounds Of Orgy
    10. Trans-Atlantic Drawl
    11. Kinetic
    12. Fast-Track
    13. Cuttooth
    15. Worrywort
    16. Fog
    17. Paperbag Writer
    18. Where Bluebirds Fly
    19. I Am Citizen Insane
    20. Gagging Order
    21. I Am A Wicked Child

    Radiohead - The Best Of 2CDs 2008

    01 - Just
    02 - Paranoid android
    03 - Karma police
    04 - Creep
    05 - No surprises
    06 - High and dry
    07 - My iron lung
    08 - There there
    09 - Lucky
    10 - Optimistic
    11 - Fake plastic trees
    12 - Idioteque
    13 - 2+2=5
    14 - The bends
    15 - Pyramid song
    16 - Street spirit (Fade Out)
    17 - Everything in its right place

    01 - Airbag
    02 - I might be wrong
    03 - Go to sleep
    04 - Let down
    05 - Planet telex
    06 - Exit music (For A Film)
    07 - The national anthem
    08 - Knives out
    09 - Talk show host
    10 - You
    11 - Anyone can play guitar
    12 - How to disappear completely
    13 - True love waits

    Posted on 12 de agosto de 2008, 21:47

  2. excremento-quieres Said,

    Radiohead: Live at Lollapalooza Chicago 2008

    01 - 15 Step (5:34)
    02 - There There (5:46)
    03 - All I Need (4:27)
    04 - Nude (4:26)
    05 - Arpeggi / Weird Fishes (5:34)
    06 - The Gloaming (3:24)
    07 - The National Anthem (4:59)
    08 - Faust Arp (2:39)
    09 - No Surprises (3:54)
    10 - Jigsaw Falling Into Place (4:40)
    11 - Reckoner (5:22)
    12 - Lucky (4:45)
    13 - The Bends (4:33)
    14 - Everything In Its Right Place (5:08)
    15 - Fake Plastic Trees (5:06)
    16 - Bodysnatchers (4:56)
    17 - Encore Break 1 (2:16)
    18 - Videotape (5:31)
    19 - Paranoid Android (6:14)
    20 - Dollars and Cents (5:46)
    21 - House of Cards (6:44)
    22 - Optimistic (4:56)
    23 - Encore Break 2 (1:09)
    24 - 2+2=5 (3:31)
    25 - Idioteque (5:35)

    Posted on 12 de agosto de 2008, 22:49


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